Welcome to Snikket

Need an invite but don’t have one? First you need a Snikket service!

What is Snikket?

Snikket is a messaging app with a focus on privacy and ease of use.

To support your privacy, Snikket is fundamentally different to other messaging apps that you may be familiar with.

Most popular messaging apps are developed by large businesses who provide the service for free in exchange for gathering data about you and showing you ads. In addition, all your messages travel through internet servers operated by them.

Instead of a single large corporation controlling everything, Snikket is decentralized. It is built on a network of smaller independent providers. Everybody is able to choose a Snikket provider that they can trust and yet still communicate with anyone else in the network.

Centralized network

Decentralized network

How do I get started?

I already have an invite

If you already have an invite link, open it and follow the instructions to install the app. If you already have the app installed, great! Open the invite again and click the ‘Open the app’ button to get started.

I don’t have an invite

If you don’t know of anyone with a Snikket service who could invite you, you or a friend could run your own Snikket service.

Alternatively we can provide you with your own hosted Snikket service.

Once you have your Snikket service, you can create as many invites as you want for you and your contacts. Each invite contains instructions to guide you through signing up.

Help! I just want to chat!

Don’t worry! If there are no Snikket services that would give you an invite and if you are unable to run your own, Snikket may not currently be the right app for you.

We recommend you use Conversations instead. It uses the same network and is fully compatible with Snikket, but it also allows you to register an account on a range of open-registration XMPP services.